Game Review, Kena, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, PS4, PS5, Review, Videogame -

Kena: Bridge of Spirits from indie developer "Ember Lab" is breath of fresh air. It's complete masterpiece. From it's hack n' dodge fighting style, to it's empathic music, and it's incredible cinematic cutscenes. Playing it, I constantly forgot it was made by an indie company. It feels like a classic, almost like Jak and Daxter. Especially with it's semi-clunky gameplay. Which would normally lose points over, but it adds to the nostalgic feeling. If this game was made by a top dev, say Naughty Dog, it' would've been a 10/10 it's ONLY down point for me, is how short it...

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Deathloop, Game Review, Playstation 5, PS5, Review, Videogame -

Bethesda's new hit title: Deathloop got me excited from the get go. It looked like a funky Dishonored game, and I loved Dishonored. Upon playing and discovering it was a Rouge-like game, kinda depleted a few cool points for me. Personally, I don't like Rouge-Like/Lite games because nowadays developers use it as an excuse to charge top prices for what could be a short game. Proof in the pudding is many gamers reported getting the platinum trophy only after a few days after the games initial release. Despite my bias for Rouge-like/lite games, I actually really like this game, not...

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Bandai Namco, Playstation 5, PS5, Review, Tales of Arise -

Bandai Namco's praised Tales of series returns with Tales of Arise. A beautiful, amazingly brilliant masterpiece of a game. From the graphics, to the destiny fulfilling music. With stunning animations, over the top boss fights, This game hits every beat. But are we surprised? Tales games have almost always been gold. The story is so captivating, it kept me playing for 7-10 hour sessions. The combat felt a bit clunky at times, but it stayed true to the Tales style, so it wasn't really a bad point, especially with all the incredible in-fight animations. I felt like the story, main...

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Foreclosed, Game Review, Playstation 5, PS5, Review, Videogame -

Foreclosed, the cyber-tech, corporate espionage gunner is an interesting game. It has a little bit of cyberpunk, a little bit of Control, and so many other elements wrapped up in a 4 hour experience. The gameplay was actually fun, the powers you get were kinda blah, but they added to the gameplay. I liked the narrative, but was confused why the main character didn't actually speak. The story had potential, but it fell short at almost every corner. The decisions and dialogue choices had absolutely no weight or consequences. They were basically moral choices, that didn't hit. The game as...

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Game Review, Hades, Playstation 5, PS5, Videogame -

Hades is an addictive rouge-like, that takes you through floors of the underworld. Not a fan of these top down of games, I still found myself unable to stop playing. The story is so immersive, each round felt like a semi-new experience. It's a tad short once you get the hang of things, but that only adds to the replay-ability. My only wish is that they did more animated cutscenes. Such beautiful artwork went virtually utilized. - FazeDefeatz "8/10" How did you guys like Hades?Let us know in the comments!

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