Dying Light 2, Dying Light 2: Stay Human, FazeDefeatz, Game Review, Playstation 5, PS5 -

Dying Light 2: Stay Human from the game developer: Techland came a few years too late. It felt like a very long expansion of the first game. From the graphics, gameplay, all the way down to the main character being a carbon copy of the main character from the first game. Even similar voice actors, so much that I actually thought they were the same main characters. It's a shame that we had to wait so long for what kinda seems like a lazy result. The game was fun, in the way that it felt like the first one, rather...

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Bandai, Bandai Namco, Game Review, House of Ashes, Playstation 5, PS5, The Dark Pictures, The Dark Pictures Anthology, Videogame -

The newest entry in The Dark House series: House of Ashes is a somewhat great thriller but a times not so great. The overall experience felt rushed, but that's part of the appeal. The game played more like a movie, which was great to a point, but also a downside. This is what I call a "Super Cinematic" rather than a "Super Narrative" the difference being, a Super Cinematic is when the game is mainly cut-scenes you sit and watch whereas a Super Narrative is mostly making decisions while playing the game. It's this game vs. Wolf Among Us. I...

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Game Review, GotG, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel's GOTG, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Playstation 5, PS5, Videogame -

The newest edition to the superhero video game collection, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy from Square Enix does an amazing job on a lot of points. The story rivals that of the movies. Both in how it felt, as well as how it was executed. It had all the classic GOTG characteristics, from the 80's feeling, to the copyrighted songs we all love, and the constant "I'm part of a team" mentality. With that being said, I was disappointed that you only play as Star-Lord. Was hoping for a switch between characters type game. The gameplay was somewhat addicting, but...

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Game Review, Life is Strange, Life is Strange: True Colors, LiS, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, PS4, PS5, Videogame -

The return of Square Enix's hit title: Life is Strange: True Colors lives up to the reputation the Life is Strange series has. It's still one of the best (my self labeled genre) Super Narrative games. It's only rivaled by Quantic Dreams (the creators of Detroit, Heavy Rain etc...) And TellTale. These games hit you hard from the music, the decisions you have to make and the consequences that come from it. It's not made to be full of action, it's made to tell a story. So if you're in for a story driven experience, it doesn't get much better...

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Game Review, Playstation 5, PS5, The Medium, Videogame -

The psychological horror from Bloober Team, The Medium feels like you're playing Silent Hill without any guns. Which... isn't actually a bad thing. It introduces an interesting narrative, where you play the same character, simultaneously between two realities. Which gives way to great puzzle mechanics. It has a cool story, but the gameplay is kind of slow. Though if you've played any Silent Hill game, then you'll be used to it. I would really love this game, but I can't help but feel like it's missing that little umph to get it to that point. Like if you're eating Mcdonalds,...

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