GunGrave G.O.R.E Review (Playstation 5)
Story - The story is pretty interesting. It didn't keep me too invested, And with the kind of game it is, that's not totally a problem. It's an arcade shooter, You're getting exactly what you pay for.
Gameplay - It's pretty addicting but in an okay way. By that I mean, it's fun, but kind of got boring, yet I couldn't stop. All of the combat styles are fun but I kinda felt like it was homework trying to remember everything.
Graphics - The graphics are great. They compliment the fast-paced life of this game. PS5 worthy.
Difficulty - I attempted the hard difficulty and it was pretty brutal. It definitely felt like I was in a video arcade back in the day. Which is exactly what this game was trying to achieve.
- FazeDefeatz "6/10"
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